Adult ministries


Adult ministries

Often, small groups of people are better able to interact and learn about a topic than larger groups are.

For that reason, Grace Church has small Bible studies held in member homes or at the Church. There’s a small group for everybody.

It is essential to our spiritual growth to connect with a small group of fellow believers who can support, encourage, and push us in our journey of faith.

Adult Sunday School

10:15 am Sunday mornings, sanctuary September through May at the Cloquet campus and 10:00 am at the Barnum campus.

WOW – Women of the Word Bible Study

Thursdays 6:00 pm at the north campus.


Please contact Diane Lambert through the Church office for more info. September through May.

Senior Bible Study

Fridays 1:00 pm at the north campus.


Whether retired, just plain tired, or active as ever, the Senior group of Grace provides refreshment, ministry, and times of valuable interaction. The Seniors Bible Study meets at the Church and is followed by coffee/cake fellowship. All Seniors are welcome to attend. September through May.

Faith Bible Institute

A three year long, in depth study of the Bible. Get your degree in Biblical studies or an advanced degree in Biblical Studies. Please call for details.

For information on any of the groups please contact the church office at 218-879-5749 and we’ll connect you with the leader.

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